Also the printing blanket used not to be arbitrarily discarded treatment, I plant the size of the blanket recall of all, can not be used on a blanket in the printing factory for other purposes. 另请各印刷厂不要把用过的橡皮布随意丢弃处理,我厂回收所有大小的橡皮布,不能用在印刷上的橡皮布我厂另作他用。
In an offset printing press, the cylinder around which the blanket is clamped. 柯式印刷机上被胶布环绕而夹紧的圆筒。
Technology of Pre-treatment and Printing Production for Russell Cotton Blanket 拉舍尔棉毯的前处理和印花生产技术
Printing Process of Raschel Blanket with Manual Flat Screen Printing Machine 拉舍尔毛毯在手工台板上的印花工艺
The essay is a brief introduction of national printing equipment output and revenue of writing paper, ink, PS plate, composition roller, photosensitive film, electrolytic aluminium and blanket in 2001. 本文介绍了2001年全国印刷书写用纸、油墨、PS版、印刷胶辊、印刷感光胶片、电化铝和印刷橡皮布7种印刷器材的产量和销售收入等基本情况。
Plate Making and Printing of Fine Design of Woolen Blanket 毛毯精细花型的制版与印花计算机辅助羊毛衫设计
The essay makes a summary about seven graphic systems ex-portion of printing sheets, ink, PS plate, electrical aluminum, printing films, printing blanket and printing rollers. 本文主要讲述了印刷书写用纸、油墨、PS版、电化铝、印刷感光胶片、印刷橡皮布和印刷胶辊等七种主要印刷器材产品的出口情况。